
derek webb

Host / Executive Producer

More than 20 years of emotionally honest & vulnerable music gave way to his new album, Fingers Crossed. Becoming an anthem for deconstruction was never a goal, but he's owning it by following coordinates leading to honest & vulnerable conversations about what’s on the other side.


kevin macdougall

Host / Producer / Editor

A writer, musician, and former college pastor, being raised in the fray of Evangelicalism led Kevin to a place of contemplation and questioning (like the rest of us). Drawing from those years of experience and leadership, he's excited to augment the conversation here, and remains committed to being WITH people – whatever their current level of doubt or certainty.


Jon Allen

Executive Producer / Tech Guru

15 years on the technical side of the touring industry, managing startups, and now marketing has provided Jon the opportunity to observe a lot about human behavior from the shadows. That perspective is very useful in shaping the structure and the future path for this discussion.


Jamie lee finch

Host / Guide

As a writer, speaker, scholar and coach, Jamie provides unique insight for individuals recovering from toxic experiences with religion, and who want to rebuild healthy relationships with their bodies. Through research and private client work, she explores the connection between belief, psychology, and physical illness. When possible she takes on a limited number of new clients.